
A bioMérieux arra törekszik, hogy termékei környezetre gyakorolt hatását minimálisra csökkentse a tervezésük kezdetétől egészen a megjelenésükig.

  • bioMérieux recognizes that the environmental impact of a product throughout its life cycle is, for the most part, determined during the design phase. On this basis, the company has implemented an "eco-design" working group to set out recommendations for formally integrating the environmental aspects of product life cycle in the development process.
  • The company is applying this eco-design approach to the development of products currently underway. As an example, the design of the new VIDAS® 3 takes into account:
    • the choice of low-energy consumption components,
    • the definition of control processes to reduce energy needs,
    • the choice of more environmentally friendly materials for instrument casing and packaging,
    • the reduction of the number of paper printouts, through:
      • condensed printing formats,
      • the optimization of print data,
      • user-friendly software that facilitates access to on-screen information.
Pioneering diagnostics