Emberek és közösségek

Soha nem veszítjük el azon csapatok és közösségek iránt érzett tiszteletünket, akik világszerte a sikereink mögött állnak.

bioMérieux places particular emphasis on the quality of our Human and Labor Relations.

  • We work closely with our social partners, focusing in particular on the areas of health and integration in the workplace.
  • We have a strong commitment to developing and maintaining the employment of people with disabilities in our company.
  • We are committed to employees’ personal and professional development through training to enhance their skills and support them throughout their career.

As a corporate citizen through sponsorship and philanthropy, we support projects:

  • related to our field of expertise and mission to improve public health,
  • contributing to access to healthcare, especially in emerging countries,
  • in the communities where our sites and subsidiaries are located, where we contribute to cultural and social philanthropy projects.


bioMérieux has been named as a National Champion for France in the European Business Awards (EBA).

The EBA was set up to recognise and reward excellence, best practice and innovation across the European business community.

For more information on the Awards and its winners, please visit www.businessawardseurope.com

Pioneering diagnostics